Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sew a Full Skirt

I found this beautiful skirt at a sewing blog i really like, tillyandthebuttons, this girl just sew loads of clothes in just my taste! And the best thing is that this skirt is so simple to make! Its basically just rectangular shapes you sew together!
To see the full tutorial click the image below!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Colourful kitchens!

I dream about one day owning my own house (with a garden) that I could decorate it just like I want to decorate. Since I'm a student I've  been moving around between different rental apartments in sketchy neighbourhoods, and just being lucky to actually get a place to live! So since I'm not allowed to paint my apartment like this, I collect pictures and dream of the day when I'm all grown up, and having a house where I could paint the kitchen in this hot pink and yellow without the risk of having to pay a fine!

Sharpie pen Coffee cup

A fun and easy idea to pimp your coffee cup, with just a sharpie pen and a regular oven!
The image above is from the blog Abernathy Crafts, but the original tutorial she used came from one of my favourite blogs called A Beautiful Mess. There you can find a great tutorial on how to do this, just click the image to get to their DIY, its really simple.